Brand Registration in 4 Steps: Campaign for Vekilsiz

The “Brand Registration in 4 Steps” campaign successfully simplified the trademark registration process, leveraging vibrant designs and compelling video content to enhance Vekilsiz’s market visibility.


Vekilsiz aimed to carve out a niche in the market and introduce its innovative approach to consumers as an online platform that simplifies the trademark registration process. The brand sought to clearly and effectively demonstrate the benefits it offers to potential customers, focusing on its easily accessible and user-friendly features.

Our Insight

We recommended the “Trademark Registration in 4 Steps” campaign to highlight the straightforward nature of the Vekilsiz platform. The campaign was designed to draw consumer attention by underscoring the platform’s user-friendly features. Our strategy included emphasizing the intuitive aspects of the platform, ensuring these benefits were firmly implanted in the minds of consumers. We planned to leverage visual design and video content, along with performance marketing and creative digital advertising.

The Idea

The “Trademark Registration in 4 Steps” campaign successfully drew market attention to Vekilsiz and the ease of its trademark registration processes. Utilizing visual design and video content, combined with performance marketing and inventive digital ads, the campaign captivated the target audience and effectively communicated the simplicity and user-friendliness of the Vekilsiz platform.


Vekilsiz aimed to carve out a niche in the market and introduce its innovative approach to consumers as an online platform that simplifies the trademark registration process. The brand sought to clearly and effectively demonstrate the benefits it offers to potential customers, focusing on its easily accessible and user-friendly features.

Our Insight​

We recommended the “Trademark Registration in 4 Steps” campaign to highlight the straightforward nature of the Vekilsiz platform. The campaign was designed to draw consumer attention by underscoring the platform’s user-friendly features. Our strategy included emphasizing the intuitive aspects of the platform, ensuring these benefits were firmly implanted in the minds of consumers. We planned to leverage visual design and video content, along with performance marketing and creative digital advertising.

The Idea

The “Trademark Registration in 4 Steps” campaign successfully drew market attention to Vekilsiz and the ease of its trademark registration processes. Utilizing visual design and video content, combined with performance marketing and inventive digital ads, the campaign captivated the target audience and effectively communicated the simplicity and user-friendliness of the Vekilsiz platform.

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With a 360-degree approach, it shapes all communication, marketing, and promotional activities that brands need, in line with the brands’ objectives and requirements.

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